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Kendall SummerHawk Reviews
Client Testimonials for Kendall SummerHawk

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As my powerful, loving mentor, you have given me a life I didn’t even imagine in my wildest dreams

“Before I joined Mastery, I ran my business very differently. I knew I wanted a successful business, but wasn’t sure how to get that, maintain my health and have time for my family. Now I have a focus and a message that reflects me. Thanks to your generous sharing of your knowledge and experiences from years in the tranches, I have modeled your events, implemented your suggestions for marketing and promotion. In December, my partner and I did our first event together and grossed $300,000.00! Amazing ~ with all your fabulous information, it seemed so easy!

Thank you, dear Kendall, for holding me as powerful, even when I didn’t see it myself. As my powerful, loving mentor, you have given me a life I didn’t even imagine in my wildest dreams. Now I am an international coach and speaker, creating this beautiful, exciting, loving life!! I can’t wait to see what this next year unfolds. ”

Val Bullerman, Business & Life Coach,

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I am now much more aware of everything around money!

“My biggest challenge was that I didn’t pay much attention to money at all and how it flowed into my business and how limiting my thoughts around money were.

I have learned to value money more and to make it a high priority in my biz and life. I am more grateful for everything now and a greater abundance have occurred in my life. I practice several of the exercises we received and have stopped giving away my power with money for (ex. I have stopped paying for services I don’t use anymore which has saved me several hundreds of dollars.

I am now much more aware of everything around money and I have structured my savings, my loan payments and have even sold off things I don´t need to free up energy, space and as a bonus get some more money. I am making priorities from my money statements and my bold money goals and it feels great!

I have gone through my economy – both private and biz – and really streamlined it so I feel very content with what I invest in now. I would never have done that if I hadn’t received so much feedback and learnings from Kendall.

I have set money goals for this year and for each month and I have so far reached my goals for the first three months of this year. So it looks good. Also I have fulfilled an old dream which is going to Spain and learning and living from there (from the fall and forward). That is about abundance on another level than the money, but still is something I have manifested after the MBM course. My dreams have gotten more evident and I can see that there are connections to the money in them.”

ViviAnn Labba,

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I created $10,000 within three hours – no kidding!

“I was stuck with monthly coaching programs, coaching three times a month and I didn’t know how to provide clients with an incentive to move from a monthly program to a paid-in-full 6 month or 12 month program. I didn’t think my clients would be able to afford it since they already had “money issues” and concerns.

I didn’t know how to effectively market to my clients and how to have a free session with them that would compel them to work with me. I was offering an initial free session but I wasn’t getting a very high enrollment rate, and I didn’t have a lot of prospects requesting my free sessions.

I didn’t have the tools for exploring the “internal” side of money challenges – I love “the method” because it really helps my clients make an internal shift that results in them taking concrete financial action that gets them results!

I’ve learned how to really “get” the value of my coaching. And how the results that I helped my clients receive was worth ten times the amount of money they were investing to work with me.

I learned how to not feel “bad” if my clients chose to take on additional debt to work with me (to take on additional debt to hire me to help them get rid of their credit card debt). I experienced an internal shift when Kendall said, “Sometimes you have to take on more debt to get rid of debt. Getting in debt created the problem and they may have to take on some additional debt to get out of the problem.”

I learned a system for creating multiple streams of income instead of just relying on 1:1 coaching income.

I learned how to look at how I could make improvements in how I was handling money (while I was doing a great job with managing money, there were some really helpful shifts that I got, like becoming clear about what I wanted my extra money (that I generated each month) to go towards. I got clear about my money “why”

I also got clear about how big of a payday that I wanted to have each month – and right off the bat in January I achieved and surpassed my big payday goal!

Now I am confident and feel proud of the results that I help my clients achieve (before I always felt kind of small and apologetic when people would ask me what I did). Now I’m excited and confident to tell them.

My monthly money goal was $8500 -which I rapidly surpassed when I brought in $14,197 in January! My income for January through March is currently $32,496, which is an average of about $11,000 a month – and that doesn’t count any additional income that I’ll bring in through new private clients or through a teleseminar series that I’m leading in March!”

My results: They have been PHENOMENAL!!!
~ I created $10,000 within three hours – no kidding! And $20,000 within 7 days!
~ I led a highly successful 5-part teleseminar series this February
~ I booked $23,515 worth of income in January
~ I have $15,703 of income coming in for March already – and that’s not counting any additional income from new clients signing on in March or from my teleseminar series that I’ll be offering towards the end of March!
~ I have a really great success rate for people moving prospects to paid clients and signing up for my long-term coaching programs
~ All of my clients that have signed on since January have opted to pay in full instead of with a monthly payment plan which gives me a lot more money in my pocket immediately!

Leslie Cunningham,

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I not only reached my Bold Money Goal, but I exceeded quite substantially!

“Marketing has always been a challenge for me, at least in the regular sense of the word. I can’t say that it’s totally been eliminated, but I feel more at ease with it now and much more willing to do the things that Kendall talks about, like making sure my news video goes out twice a month so that I build my list.

I’ve re- done my website to reflect the Money Breakthrough Method and how that so beautifully and powerfully goes hand in hand with the work I do with personal color and style branding.

The results have been fabulous! I not only reached my Bold Money Goal, but I exceeded quite substantially.

I’ve signed up several new clients, both for the ColorEssence Experience, the Money Breakthrough Method and my Style of Self Esteem Platinum Program, which combines both. What’s happened for my clients has been truly amazing. Very wonderful and transformative! ”

Kailash Sozzani,

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I am attracting a higher quality, more focused client who is motivated!

“Before MBM, I was a general success coach searching for a niche. I had clients but not consistently. I was coaching on everything from weight loss to relationships. When I stumbled upon MBM, I knew instantly that this is what I had been looking for. Having experienced serious financial situations in the past myself, I knew that I wanted to help others have their own money breakthroughs.

I have learned that money is a challenge that anyone can have – the poor, the rich, and everyone in between. It is something you have to keep on top of and pay attention to daily. Having taken MBM, I now have content I can teach my new found niche. I am attracting a higher quality, more focused client who is motivated to improve all aspects of their lives – not just their money. Best of all, I have a direction and a plan for my business which I never had before.

So far I have started and finished a 9 week group coaching program for 5 women. I have hosted two live workshops –with 20 people each. I have also created a five part Wealthy Women teleseries where I interview different women from MBM – each one has their own unique area of specialty on money. I have also created a 6 week intensive program that I will be delivering live but recording and offering via skype simultaneously. I have two new 1-1 clients. And finally, I have a 3 week introductory Money Breakthrough teleclass that starts mid-March.

My group clients have seen amazing results. After only 3 sessions, one woman somehow manifested and paid off over $17 000 in debt that had been dragging her down. She now feels a sense of freedom she never experienced and is looking at ways she can create more income. The other ladies in the group are all self-employed. Each of them have attracted more clients and new opportunities they never thought possible. One has received invitations to speak and is now making $400/hour where before she struggled to make $50/hour. One of my 1-1 clients is now clearly headed to bringing in over 7 figures this year in her business – something she didn’t even think possible a few months ago. Even if she just coasted the rest of the year, she could easily make her first million this year now”

Heather Wilson,

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Less than one week after joining Stars, it was clear that I had made a great decision. I took one action step and literally more than doubled my investment.

“Before I joined the STARS Courageous Coaching program, I didn’t know how I was going to reach my ultimate business and financial dreams.

When I made the decision to invest in STARS, I was certain that it would come back to me at some point. Less than one week after joining Stars, it was clear that I had made a great decision. I took one action step and literally more than doubled my investment.

STARS has changed my business forever. Today, I am joyfully utilizing my time, knowledge and energy in the right areas of my business. Thanks to the changes I have been making, my appointment calendar is completely booked with current and prospective clients.

The best part is my clients are getting even better results. STARS goes way beyond helping me grow my business. It helps me help my clients in much bigger ways too!

I am thrilled to say that all my business dreams are unfolding before my eyes. Just recently I added an additional $17,000 in new business income. I am truly in awe! In the past, I thought my business growth was just okay. Thanks to STARS, I can now say it is PHENOMENAL!”

AmondaRose Igoe,, Stars PLUS 6-Figure Courageous Coaching Club Member

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