My business has changed 1000% since CMMS!
“Before CMMS, I was suffering with what I call CTSD (coach traumatic stress disorder). My practice was filled with private clients I loved, but I was drained to the point of exhaustion. My weeks were filled with endless back-to-back sessions. And because I was coaching month-to-month with no clearly defined beginning, middle or end, I could never predict when my schedule or my income would change.
And talk about income (or rather, lack of income). It wasn’t until I did my Money Speedometer in CMMS that I realized I was stuck at the same income level I’d been at as a salaried employee…15 years earlier!
My business has changed 1000% since CMMS. All the programs I offer are now clearly defined with tangible results that are in demand. My sessions are much shorter, and my income is much higher.
I also learned how to weave my programs together in an elegant way, so each one leads into the next and the next. My clients keep enrolling, and they’re getting far more impressive, tangible results. Their businesses have transformed along with mine.
And I love, love, LOVE the tools, techniques and systems Kendall has given birth to. Each one has a bit of magic to it, making it different than anything else I’ve ever worked with, and anything else my clients have ever worked as well. Her systems rounded out my Signature System perfectly. It made it complete.
I launched my first private Platinum program and instantly filled it. I’ve taken numerous clients through VIP days and virtual workshops. And I just launched my first 9-month group coaching program with more clients than I’ve ever served at one time.
In the 9 months since I became CMMS-certified, for the first time ever, I launched two mid-5-figure programs directly attributable to what I learned from Kendall that brought in more than $100,000. That’s $100,000 in 9 months!”
Sharon Desjarlais, CMMS,