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Kendall SummerHawk Reviews
Client Testimonials for Kendall SummerHawk

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I am now much more aware of everything around money!

“My biggest challenge was that I didn’t pay much attention to money at all and how it flowed into my business and how limiting my thoughts around money were.

I have learned to value money more and to make it a high priority in my biz and life. I am more grateful for everything now and a greater abundance have occurred in my life. I practice several of the exercises we received and have stopped giving away my power with money for (ex. I have stopped paying for services I don’t use anymore which has saved me several hundreds of dollars.

I am now much more aware of everything around money and I have structured my savings, my loan payments and have even sold off things I don´t need to free up energy, space and as a bonus get some more money. I am making priorities from my money statements and my bold money goals and it feels great!

I have gone through my economy – both private and biz – and really streamlined it so I feel very content with what I invest in now. I would never have done that if I hadn’t received so much feedback and learnings from Kendall.

I have set money goals for this year and for each month and I have so far reached my goals for the first three months of this year. So it looks good. Also I have fulfilled an old dream which is going to Spain and learning and living from there (from the fall and forward). That is about abundance on another level than the money, but still is something I have manifested after the MBM course. My dreams have gotten more evident and I can see that there are connections to the money in them.”

ViviAnn Labba,