Saw exactly where the “holes” were in my current VIP days & how to create even better results for clients!
“Once again Kendall, you’ve created another AWESOME product! I’ve given as well as received VIP days but have never had any mentor break it down for me in such detail as you have with your VIP Day Quick Profit Secrets. Immediately after listening to the first CD, within 60 minutes saw exactly where the “holes” were in my current VIP days, how to create even better results for clients AND easily (and I do mean easily!) add $10,000 + per month in revenue – woo hoo! With all the products on the market – not ONE coach has addressed the topic of VIP days. I must say, I’ve never whipped out my credit card so fast to purchase a product! Thank you for yet again recognizing a need in the market place and filling it. Loved all the checklists/ timelines you included as too – really makes this an absolute “no brainer” to implement!”
Kim Sarrasin,