In the past 20 days I presented my Platinum Program to 5 people…and all 5 said YES!
“Before I attended Leap I had so many doubts about what I could accomplish in my own business. I heard people get on stage and talk about their amazing results and I wanted it so badly for myself…I just didn’t know how to make it happen. I learned quickly after coming into “Kendall Land” that outstanding results are possible no matter where you are in your business.
Based on what I learned from you at Leap, and am continuing to learn from all that you so generously share, I have held 5 Business Breakthrough Sessions designed to enroll people into my new (higher end) program. I am so excited to report that in the past 20 days I presented my signature, 3P Platinum Program to 5 people…and all 5 said YES! Two signed in the same day, giving me not only my first 5 figure month, but my first 5 figure day! So, from every ounce of my soul, I wanted to say a huge heart felt ~THANK YOU~ From the moment I was able to say YES to being a part of your program I have felt honored. Your guidance has changed my life, and the biggest blessing of all is that I am now able to pay it forward and change other women’s lives too.”
Jennifer Johnson, Coach of the Feminine Soul,