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Kendall SummerHawk Reviews
Client Testimonials for Kendall SummerHawk

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I am attracting a higher quality, more focused client who is motivated!

“Before MBM, I was a general success coach searching for a niche. I had clients but not consistently. I was coaching on everything from weight loss to relationships. When I stumbled upon MBM, I knew instantly that this is what I had been looking for. Having experienced serious financial situations in the past myself, I knew that I wanted to help others have their own money breakthroughs.

I have learned that money is a challenge that anyone can have – the poor, the rich, and everyone in between. It is something you have to keep on top of and pay attention to daily. Having taken MBM, I now have content I can teach my new found niche. I am attracting a higher quality, more focused client who is motivated to improve all aspects of their lives – not just their money. Best of all, I have a direction and a plan for my business which I never had before.

So far I have started and finished a 9 week group coaching program for 5 women. I have hosted two live workshops –with 20 people each. I have also created a five part Wealthy Women teleseries where I interview different women from MBM – each one has their own unique area of specialty on money. I have also created a 6 week intensive program that I will be delivering live but recording and offering via skype simultaneously. I have two new 1-1 clients. And finally, I have a 3 week introductory Money Breakthrough teleclass that starts mid-March.

My group clients have seen amazing results. After only 3 sessions, one woman somehow manifested and paid off over $17 000 in debt that had been dragging her down. She now feels a sense of freedom she never experienced and is looking at ways she can create more income. The other ladies in the group are all self-employed. Each of them have attracted more clients and new opportunities they never thought possible. One has received invitations to speak and is now making $400/hour where before she struggled to make $50/hour. One of my 1-1 clients is now clearly headed to bringing in over 7 figures this year in her business – something she didn’t even think possible a few months ago. Even if she just coasted the rest of the year, she could easily make her first million this year now”

Heather Wilson,